Submission Procedure

Submissions for the Best Student Paper should be made via Springer Nature EquinOCS by selecting “best student paper” and uploading the paper when completing the entry. Papers shortlisted for the prize will be presented by the lead authors in a special session of ECSO-CMS 2024. A jury will select the best paper and the runner up to be awarded prizes of €500 and €250, respectively.

The program will include a devoted session for presenting the best papers to compete for the prize, such that the jury could make the final choice. The paper does not have to be published, and its page limit is 35 pages.The paper should be principally authored by the student, but co-authors are permitted as long as their contributions are clarified. Only registered participants’ papers will be considered for the prize. The jury for the best student paper prize is:

Submission deadline:
March 28, 2024

The four finalists for the Best Student Paper were:

  • “Feasible approximation of matching equilibria for large-scale matching for teams problems,” Qikun Xiang and Ariel Neufeld
  • “American options with acceleration clauses,” Sara Staffolani and Anna Battauz
  • “Investigating the price determinants of the European Emission Trading System: a non-parametric approach,” Cristiano Salvagnin, Aldo Glielmo, Maria Elena De Giuli, and Antonietta Mira
  • “Distributionally robust standard quadratic optimization with Wasserstein ambiguity,” Daniel de Vicente, Immanuel Bomze, Simge Küçükyavuz, and Abdel Lisser

After careful consideration, the jury awarded the first-place prize to Qikun Xiang. In its commendation, the jury anticipated that the results of this paper will contribute to the development of further, efficient solvers yielding practicable solutions for matching-equilibria problems. The runner-up prize went to Sara Staffolani for her work on American options with acceleration clauses. The jury found that her numerical technique could improve the pricing of some warrants that are used in financial markets. All four finalists were strong contenders, and the jury warmly congratulates all of them for their contributions to the field.